
Annual Report arrow


Dear Members and Friends,

It is an honor to provide trusted, fact-based journalism and compelling cultural programming to curious people across Minnesota and around the world. Our privilege is made possible with your generous support and your belief in the power of our public service mission to “…enrich minds, nourish spirits, expand perspectives and strengthen communities.

Our 2024 Annual Report celebrates you. This year’s report is special: The new multimedia format enables us to showcase more of the dynamic content and rich storytelling that you have helped us create.

Your curiosity has inspired us to deeply explore topics that matter to you. You’ve encouraged us to add new voices and diverse perspectives to our programming and to address more of the changing needs of the audiences and communities we serve. You’ve told us that you want more meaningful coverage of the environment, education and mental health, and we’ve delivered. You’ve shared your passion for music discovery, and you’ve told us that you are continually amazed by the next generation of talented artists that we feature on Classical MPR and The Current. And, many of you have gone above and beyond—giving generously to our Inspired by You campaign and transforming Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media to serve more people who are consuming media in new ways.

None of this would be possible without you. On behalf of all of us at MPR and APM, thank you for listening and for supporting our public service so generously.

Warmly and most gratefully,

谁有免费的外网加速器软件 President & CEO
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Mary Brainerd Chair, Board of Trustees
Our mission is to enrich the mind and nourish the spirit, thereby enhancing the lives and expanding the perspectives of our audiences, and assisting them in strengthening their communities.
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144,859 contributing
1 million weekly FM radio
46 radio stations serving
Minnesota and parts of surrounding states
1,000+ journalism awards received
19 million weekly listeners to
APM’s national
25 emerging leaders
supported as Interns and Fellows
1,100+ members in the
MPR Legacy Society
$196M in our endowment


Your support allows us to fulfill our public service mission to produce the highest-quality news, music and cultural content delivered through multiple platforms: broadcast, digital, mobile, social media and live events. Here is a sampling of the exciting things you’ve made possible this year.

MPR reporters are smart, sharp and well-prepared. MPR represents the most balanced news option in the area. The world is a complicated place and you report on it seriously! Thank you. Juliana, Victoria, MN
MPR News Sharing
Relevant Stories
The Water Main Protecting
Vital Resources
Marketplace Increasing
Financial IQs
Classical MPR Inspiring Younger
The Current Exploring Artists
APM Podcasts Creating Community Through Storytelling
[This show] has made me think about and understand my own depression and anxiety a little better. It’s refreshing to know that I’m not the only one who feels the way I do. The Hilarious World
of Depression listener
APM Reports Investigative Journalism That Matters
Performance Today 游戏加速器永久免费版哪个好_手机游戏加速器永久免费版排行:2021-5-18 · 游戏加速器永久免费版哪个好?游戏加速器是一款能够为玩家提供海量bt变态手游,gm版游戏,破解手游的平台,同时还能加速游戏时间,最快可达八倍,心不心动呢?下面是小编精心整理的手机游戏加速器永久免费版排行,每一款都有独到之处,让我伔一起get起来吧!
Call to Mind Shining
Needed Light
Live from Here Showcasing Distinguished Voices
APM Research Lab Focusing
on Facts
I studied journalism in college but was always on the fence about pursuing a career in the field. Because of this experience, I am convinced I want to stay in public media. John Nguyen, 2024 MPR News Fellow
Interns and Fellows Launching
New Journeys
Glen Nelson Center Innovating
for Our Future


MPR | APM has received more than 1,000 journalism awards and has been recognized for our outstanding music programming and national on-demand content. None of this would be possible without your support! Here are a few recent accolades that we’re especially proud of. You should be, too.


In the Dark Receives Polk Award

In the Dark: Season Two was the first podcast to receive a prestigious George Polk Award honoring special achievement in journalism. Season Two cast grave doubts on the guilt of Curtis Flowers, an African-American man on Mississippi’s death row who was tried six times for the same crime. The U.S. Supreme Court recently reversed Flowers’ conviction, ruling that the prosecutor used racial discrimination in jury selection.

浏览外网的免费加速器 MPR News reporters covering the Noor trial.
Credit: Evan Frost

National Edward R. Murrow Award for MPR News

MPR News received a national Edward R. Murrow Award for its continuing coverage of the fatal police shooting of Justine Ruszczyk. On July 15, 2017, Justine Ruszczyk called 911. Just 22 minutes later she was dead, shot by then-Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor. In June 2024, jurors found Noor guilty of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Ruszczyk’s death.


  • 永久免费的连外网的软件, hosted by Nora McInerny, was named “Best Podcast” in City Pages’ Best of the Twin Cities 2024.
  • 永久免费的连外网的软件 was recognized by the Midwest Broadcast Journalists Association in 12 categories, taking home first place in six.
  • MPR News was recognized by the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalism in 16 categories during their Page One Awards.
  • MPR News won the 2024 Ancil Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism.
  • The Current was named Non-Commercial AAA Station of the Year by FMQB.
  • Jim McGuinn, Program Director for The Current, was one of two recipients of the first-ever Sean Demery Independent Spirit Award given out at this year’s World Radio Summit, April 2024.
  • In the Dark host and lead reporter Madeleine Baran was named the Burton Award’s 2024 Outstanding Journalist in Law.
The Current not only offers the best mix of music on the radio in Minnesota, it also does wonders for the state’s music scene, exposing listeners to great local artists they might not have otherwise discovered. 永久免费的连外网的软件
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We are passionate supporters of MPR because it touches our lives in countless ways. Classical MPR was the soundtrack to many family dinners, and it soothed our kids when they were babies. Morning Edition and All Things Considered were regular features of school car pools, and now we share our favorite podcasts with our college-age kids. We also love to discover new music together on The Current, and we attend Rock the Garden every year as a family! Linda S. and Jesse G. Singh, President’s Circle,
Legacy Society, Inspired by You Campaign Donors
The Current is so much more than a music service.
It creates a vibrant cultural community that supports local musicians, inspires new music discovery and spurs growth throughout Minnesota’s creative ecosystem. The Current’s exceptional hosts bring depth and color to the Twin Cities by curating a wide range of music and providing context that creates a multidimensional experience for curious listeners.
Stephanie Simon, President’s Circle
Minnesota Public Radio has been an essential part of our lives for over 40 years. We turn to MPR News for the truth, especially in today’s political climate where other news outlets focus on sensationalism. We created an endowment to sustain our support well into the future so that more people in our community have access to this vital service. 蜗游加速器官方|蜗游加速器官方版 - 系统天堂 - 手机 ...:2021-5-18 · 网游加速器官方版 2021 免费视频加速器下载免费版 2021 宽带上网加速器 v3.0 绿色版 复制加速器Fastcopy绿色汉化版 3.54 雷蛇游戏加速器官方最新版 5.089 et加速器(网络加速器)官方加强版 2.1.45 速游网游加速器官方最新版 4.1.6 迅雷快鸟2021官方免费版 4.5
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We’re so captivated by the stories we hear on MPR that we’ll often stay in the car to finish listening to an interview or a compelling segment. Once, while listening to Classical MPR, the hairs stood up on my neck and I realized it was because of the wonder and beauty of the music. We want everyone to have access to the powerful experiences MPR creates. Thue Rasmussen, Legacy Society, Endowment Donor
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Our mother, Emily Anne Staples Tuttle, cared deeply about MPR. She chose to include MPR in her estate because it served as the soundtrack to her life. She was intellectually curious, and she valued journalism that went beyond the headlines and got to the heart of a story. She appreciated the cultural programming and beautiful music on Classical MPR, and even dipped her toes into The Current! Missy Staples Thompson, Greg Staples and
Kate Staples, on behalf of the Estate of Emily Anne Staples Tuttle
MPR’s music services are entertaining, inspiring and refreshing. Being a VIP sponsor of Rock the Garden allowed us to connect to our clients in a meaningful way that transcends a business relationship and focuses on a shared appreciation of the culture and mission for which MPR stands. Peter Schmit, Underwriter, Chair of National Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Group at Robins Kaplan LLP
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We’re grateful for the impact Minnesota Public Radio has in our community and are proud to support this vital public service, but we don’t choose MPR—our employees do! As part of our arts and culture operating grants program, we ask employees to select the arts and cultural organizations they value most. Year after year, they select MPR. To us, that speaks volumes about the importance of MPR to the cultural fabric of our state. Katie Clark Sieben, Director, The Cargill Foundation

We are honored to thank and acknowledge the 144,859 members and many organizations that supported MPR | APM during the 2024 fiscal year (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2024). This section highlights leadership donors and funders whose gifts are transforming our organization and strengthening communities in Minnesota and beyond. We are tremendously grateful for your ongoing support, and for everything you do to inspire our work.

As a mental health practitioner, I have been talking about Call to Mind with many people, including my clients, to reinforce that it’s okay to talk openly about mental health. Spotlight Series event attendee
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Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is one of the nation’s premier public media organizations, producing programming for radio, digital and live audiences. With its three core services—永久免费的连外网的软件, Classical MPR and 安卓永久免费网络加速器—MPR operates a 46-station radio network serving nearly all of Minnesota and parts of surrounding states, reaching 1 million radio listeners each week. A complete list of stations, programs, podcasts and additional services can be found here.

  • MPR News
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VIEW HD Radio Offerings

American Public Media

American Public Media (APM), MPR’s national programming division, is the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the country, as well as the nation’s largest station-based producer of public radio programming. APM programs reach 19 million listeners nationwide each week on approximately 1,000 radio stations. The diverse portfolio of broadcast and on-demand programming is listed here.

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APM has approximately 1,000 station affiliates covering all 50 states (including FM, AM and HD channels)
  • Indicates approximate distribution of MPR and APM programming
  • St. Paul, MinnesotaAmerican Public Media and Minnesota Public Radio headquarters
  • Greater Minnesota (Rochester, Collegeville, Bemidji, Moorhead, Worthington and Duluth) MPR News bureaus
  • 安卓永久免费网络加速器 Marketplace headquarters
  • ok外网加速器 KPCC Southern California Public Radio™ headquarters (a part of APMG)
  • New York City,
    New York
    Studio/bureau location for Marketplace, The Splendid Table, Live from Here, Performance Today
  • Washington, D.C. Marketplace bureau location
  • London, UK Headquarters for BBC—an APM distribution partnership; Marketplace bureau location
  • Shanghai, China (not shown on map) Marketplace bureau location
Map is intended as a representation of APM programming reach, not of exact station locations.

Programs and Initiatives

  • classicalmpr.org
  • inspire.mpr.org
  • mpr.org
  • mprnews.org
  • thecurrent.org
ON Social media:
  • Facebook—MPR
  • Instagram—MPR
  • Classical MPR
  • Classical MPR’s Choral Stream®
  • Classical MPR’s Holiday Stream
  • The Current®
  • Local Current®
  • MPR News
  • Purple Current®
  • Radio Heartland®
  • Rock the Cradle®
  • APM Research Lab
  • Call to Mind
  • Glen Nelson Center
  • The Water Main
  • 74 Seconds from MPR News
  • Art Hounds®
  • Classical Kids Storytime
  • Climate Cast®
  • Cube Critics®
  • The Current Song of the Day
  • 外网加速器永久破解版
  • New Classical Tracks®
  • Policast®
  • Rivers of Oil
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  • APM Reports
  • BBC Newshour
  • BBC Topline
  • BBC World Service
  • Marketplace®
  • Marketplace Morning Report®
  • Marketplace Tech®
  • Classical 24®
  • Composers Datebook®
  • Performance Today®
  • Pipedreams®
  • SymphonyCast®
  • YourClassical®
  • Live from Here®
  • The Splendid Table®
  • Brains On!®
  • The Hilarious World of Depression®
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  • Make Me Smart™ with Kai and Molly (Marketplace)
  • Order 9066
  • The Slowdown
  • Smash Boom Best®
  • Spectacular Failures
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  • Terrible, Thanks for Asking®
  • The Uncertain Hour® (Marketplace)
Listening to MPR is a needed breath of fresh air for media. I feel equally informed and entertained each time I listen. Engaging in the community, state, national and world events is made easier and more unbiased through MPR. Carly, Vermillion, MN


Minnesota Public Radio Board of Trustees

Board officers
Mary Brainerd,
Jon R. McTaggart,
Larry Berger,
浏览外网的免费加速器 Senior Partner
McKinsey & Co.
Wendy Bennett Consultant to Foundations
in Global Health
Dr. Larry L. Berger EVP & Chief Technical Officer
Mary Brainerd Retired CEO
永久免费的连外网的软件 President
Luther College
Julie Causey Chairman Emeritus
Western Bank
Jim Dwyer President & CEO
8th Avenue Food & Provisions
Ivan Fong Senior Vice President,
Legal Affairs & General Counsel
3M Corporation
Sima Griffith Managing Principal
Aethlon Capital, LLC
Shawntera M. Hardy 加速精灵下载_加速精灵官方版下载v1.0.0.1_3DM单机:2021-7-23 · 《加速精灵》是一款专门用于网游加速的专业软件,终身免费使用的同时不限制流量众及时间,还可众通过引导其他用户立即成为高级会员。感兴趣的话,就来3DM下载吧!软件简介《加速精灵
外网加速器永久破解版 President
Driscoll Foundation
Kenneth Holmen, MD President & CEO
CentraCare Health
Omar Ishrak CEO & Chairman
Medtronic Inc.
Rick King Executive Vice President,
Thomson Reuters
Emery Koenig Retired Vice Chairman &
Chief Risk Officer
Cargill Inc.
Jonathan Low Predictiv Consulting
Nancy Lyons President & CEO
Clockwork Active Media
Jon R. McTaggart President & CEO
Minnesota Public Radio
and American Public Media
Kate Mortenson President & CEO
2024 Minneapolis Final Four Local Organizing Committee
David D. Murphy Retired President & CEO
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
免费连外网的软件 CEO
Bryan K. Phillips Senior Vice President,
Legal & Human Resources, General Counsel & Secretary Surmodics, Inc.
谁有免费的外网加速器软件 Attorney at Law
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Nii-Ayite Quaye Senior Vice President,
Strategy & Growth
Pentair plc
Kate Quinn Vice Chairman,
Chief Administrative Officer
U.S. Bancorp
Marianne D. Short Executive Vice President &
Chief Legal Officer
UnitedHealth Group
Patricia S. Simmons, MD Executive Medical Director,
Health Policy Emeritus
Mayo Clinic
Jean Taylor Board Chair
Star Tribune
Rodney Young CEO & President
Delta Dental of Minnesota
Active Life Trustees
Susan Boren Retired Partner
浏览外网的免费加速器 Retired Chief Operating Officer
General Mills
Randall J. Hogan Retired Chairman & CEO
Pentair plc
Karin L. Larson Retired Chair
Capital International Research, Inc.
Addison (Tad) Piper Retired Chairman & CEO
Piper Jaffray Companies, Inc
Honorary Life Trustees
William Pearce
Joanne Von Blon
President Emeritus
William H. Kling Green Island Group LLC


Jon R. McTaggart President & CEO
Deborah Clark Senior Vice President &
General Manager
安卓永久免费网络加速器 Senior Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
Carmen Rodriguez Johnson Senior Vice President &
Chief Marketing Officer
David W. Kansas Executive Vice President &
Chief Operating Officer
Chandra Kavati Vice President of Content
Distribution & Partnerships
Nicholas Kereakos Senior Vice President,
Chief Technology Officer,
General Manager of
Regional Services
Michael Lewis Senior Vice President &
General Counsel
Christine Phelps Senior Vice President &
Chief Human Resources Officer
Mike Reszler Senior Vice President for
Strategy & Experimentation,
Chief Digital Officer
外网加速器永久破解版 Vice President,
Finance & Corporate Controller
Timothy T. Roesler Senior Vice President &
Chief Business Development Officer
Randi S. N. Yoder Senior Vice President &
Chief Development Officer
The quality of the research, reporting, production and narrative is some of the best in media. The work you do has a real impact on society. It helps me to learn and grow, and it helps keep our government and leaders accountable. This is exactly what free press is for! Miraida, Brooklyn, NY
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Year-End Operating Results and Audited Financial Statements

Minnesota Public Radio | American Public Media is financially healthy, finishing fiscal year 2024 with $109 million in Total Operating Support and Earned Revenue. Diversified revenue streams help keep MPR | APM financially strong and enable us to fulfill our essential public service mission. Complete audited financial statements for fiscal year 2024 and other financial information can be found at mpr.org/finances.

Total Operating Revenue
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MPR | APM is the fortunate beneficiary of several endowment funds. As of June 30, 2024, our endowment was valued at $196 million, including $36 million from estates, individual donors and other community gifts. Gifts earmarked for endowment are critically important for organizational strength and sustainability.

Accountability—Top Rating

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The 外网加速器永久破解版 campaign is accelerating innovation across MPR | APM and transforming our public service for the benefit of diverse communities in Minnesota and beyond. Your generous support of the campaign ensures that our service remains accessible and relevant, and builds the vital connections to strengthen our changing communities well into the future. Thank you!

The campaign launched in 2015 with an ambitious goal of $75 million. We’ve exceeded our goal for deferred gifts, and we have $4 million remaining to reach our cash goal by June 30, 2024.


has already been put to work across the organization

  • 92% outright gift goal met
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  • $28M from individuals as outright gifts and pledges
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Learn more about

We are able to inspire curiosity and connect communities 外网加速器手机永久免费版. Thank you for supporting our essential public service.

View previous annual reports:

  • 2015
  • 永久免费的连外网的软件
  • 2017
  • 2018

PHOTO CREDITS (from top to bottom, left to right): Home: Nate Ryan, Caroline Yang, Courtesy of Mary Brainerd; Your Impact: Christine T. Nguyen, Evan Frost, Rose Conlon, Nate Ryan, Nate Ryan, Seth Iverson, APM, Fred Child, Eamon Coyne, Nate Ryan, APM, APM, Ryan Stopera, Nate Ryan, Greg Kahn, Evan Frost; Donors: Jayme Halbritter, Jayme Halbritter, Jayme Halbritter, Jayme Halbritter, Jayme Halbritter, Courtesy of the Estate of Emily Anne Staples Tuttle, Courtesy of Robins Kaplan, Jayme Halbritter, Brandan Bush; About: Evan Frost; Leadership: Hunter Hart; Financials: Chuck Carver, Jeffrey Thompson, Courtesy of Minneapolis College of Art and Design/Chris Roberts, Evan Frost, John Enger, Jeffrey Thompson